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Rims renovation system

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Companies involved in the renovation of aluminum rims are demanding more from the varnish coatings used on the wheels. What counts is not only the excellent appearance of the wheels, but also the high mechanical resistance and resistance to the influence of environmental factors (UV, moisture, salt or automotive chemicals).

In response to market needs, RIMCO is introducing a professional system for varnishing / renovating aluminum wheels. It is a vertical system, consisting of the application of three layers of paint, on a previously mechanically prepared (glass or sandblasted) or chemically cleaned aluminum rim. Individual layers have specific properties, thus ensuring the appropriate characteristics of the entire coating. This system operates in the global market and has been tested by the world's largest producers of aluminum rims.




ul. Stanisława Szymańskiego 11

87-100 Toruń


tel. +48 785 831 334

tel. +48 785 831 396

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